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Easy Independent Personal Hygiene with No Rinse Products

by Ed Dunning

By now you’ve seen the commercials for no fuss, no mess and no water hair shampooing; the ones with the fashion models swinging their freshly and dryly washed gorgeous locks around ready for a new day in half their normal prep time.  While No Rinse shampoos have been making a comeback on the low maintenance beauty scene, No Rinse products have long been a necessary product for giving people with limited mobility the ability to continue to be in charge of their own personal hygiene and their ability to live independently.

People of all ages can find themselves in a situation where they may need assistance with bathing.  Believe it or not, bathing, which most of us find to be quite relaxing, is both physically and emotionally challenging for people with limited mobility and especially common in older adults.  Although we may not realize it as we move through our daily personal hygiene activity, bathing independently requires dexterity, flexibility, balance and strength and this creates a challenge for people living with disabilities, symptoms of old age and dementia and even otherwise healthy individuals as well. The No Rinse Body Bath is an excellent product for bathing.

No Rinse products are designed to help curtail that decline in well-being and emotional and physical discomfort associated with needing assistance for bathing.  There is an undeniable embarrassment associated with assisted bathing and No Rinse products help to avoid that discomfort and allow people to successfully and independently bathe themselves on a more regular basis.  At the same time, No Rinse products make assisted bathing less stressful for both caregiver and patient too by eliminating the work and movement involved with getting clean.

Among the No Rinse product line you will find No Rinse Bathing Wipes perfect for getting a full body clean without the difficulty of climbing in and out of the bathtub or shower.  The No Rinse bathing wipes are soft pre-moistened large 8 inch clothes that clean and refresh with a touch of aloe and vitamin E and most importantly they won’t dry the skin as they do not contain alcohol.  These wipes are especially comforting when warmed up in the microwave before use.

While the No Rinse Bathing Wipes do a solid job of giving a soft, odor-free clean, also available is a No Rinse Body Bath that when mixed with warm water creates a soothing basin style bath.  Even the astronauts use No Rinse Body Bath solutions for staying clean in space! It is simple and easy to give a sponge bath with no troubling water rinses and the alcohol-free body bath won’t dry your skin either. 

We all know that the body isn’t the only area that is a hassle to clean and modern culture has even taken a turn back to the waterless hair cleaning trend that No Rinse shampoo and even the no rinse shampoo cap.  Both the no rinse shampoo and no rinse shampoo cap allow for a complete hair cleaning without the use of water.  You just lather, dry and style.  No Rinse shampoo products will not dry or dull hair. 

While it is trendy for some to use No Rinse hair care products, the line of No Rinse Personal Hygiene products have been around since 1948 and effectively cleaning bodies from head to toe.  Perfect for children, seniors, people with limited mobility and even people who are just in a rush, No Rinse Shampoos and No Rinse body washes are keeping being clean easy and independent. 

This article was published on Saturday 17 March, 2012.
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