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Dressing Aids

Dressing Aids

There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to put on your own shoes.

The products in this section can help with problems such as this. With the use of one of our sock aids, a person who has difficulty bending due to arthritis or recent surgery can put on their own socks. If putting on shoes is the issue, consider the use of one of our sturdy, long handled shoehorns in conjunction with a pair of elastic shoelaces.

Dressing in general becomes an easy task with these handy dressing aids. Articles of clothing can be put on with the use of one of our dressing sticks. The buttonhook can handle fastening the toughest buttons and zippers are no match for the zip grip. You or your loved one will get a sense of satisfaction when you are able to do these everyday tasks once again.

LifeSolutionsPlus is constantly on the look out for quality products that will make people's lives easier.

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