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Catching Peas! Eating Aids for Seniors

by Ed Dunning

The elderly and our youth; they share so much of the same skill sets.  While most parents spend a fortune on special eating utensils like silverware, plates and spoons for their toddlers to perfect their eating routine, most elderly caregivers forget about purchasing special tools to ease the struggle of self-feeding and independent living for seniors and patients with limited mobility.

Imagine the difficulty a person with arthritis, limited upper body or arm movement or someone suffering from tremors must have spanning the distance between table and plate and silverware and mouth.  At the same time, each of these individuals is likely working hard to maintain their independence and continue to be self-reliant.  There are great eating aids for seniors and for patients with limited mobility that promote independence and healthy eating habits.  

The silverware options are just great.  Utensils like the Good Grip Eating Utensils can practically be molded and shaped to meet the needs of anyone using them.  From soft rubber handles to flexible necks and lipped soup spoons, there is no need for any senior to struggle holding poorly weighted, too skinny or small silverware again.  Even if special utensils aren’t in the budget, there is also the universal cuff that effectively pads the palm to make gripping that “normal” flatware manageable.  Or add foam tubing to the handle of your household silverware to make getting a grip easy too. 

To match great flatware for seniors are the GripWare dishes that come in an assortment of shapes and sizes to make self-feeding, that much easier.  You know how hard it is to chase peas on a normal flat dish? Imagine dishes with raised sides for cornering those tricky eats and partitioned plates so you can keep your foods separate and even specially designed scoop dishes that make getting your spoon-full to your mouth a treat in itself.  Even more special is the exclusive Redware designed to promote better self-feeding for Alzheimer’s patients. 

Arthritis can affect a senior’s ability to drink.  Can you imagine, having pain every time you want to quench your thirst? Specially designed cups like the thumbs-up cup that bears a slight resemblance to a toddlers cup and the hand to hand mugs that have a great contoured shape for easily passing it between hands can take the pain away and quench the need for thirst and independence.
Eating aids for seniors have been developed and perfected to turn everyday activities like eating and drinking back into everyday activities for those with limited mobility.  It can be so easy to take plates, cups and silverware for granted, but not so true for someone with arthritis, tremors or even limited upper body movement.  Self-feeding is an unnecessary struggle and there are eating aids for seniors to make sure meal time is about eating.

This article was published on Tuesday 04 May, 2010.
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