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About Us


LifeSolutionsPlus grew out of a need to provide quality self-help products to members of our family and friends who needed products to help with diabetes, arthritis, poor vision and a host of other common conditions. We checked with LSP-Couple-on-Beach-About-Ulocal businesses in our community and none of them carried the type of products that we needed. What we were looking for were simple products that could make everyday tasks easier to accomplish. 

So LifeSolutionsPlus was born. After extensive research and product testing, we are proud to offer these quality products that foster independent living. You see, we know that everyone wants to remain independent as long as they can and we understand how frustrating the most common household tasks can be without a little help. That's why we are committed to providing the best products available for independent living. We are also committed to excellent customer service and are always available to answer any questions that you might have about our products.

It is our sincere hope that these self-help products will be able to help you maintain your independent lifestyle as long as you choose to do so. We all need a little help now and then. We hope that we can provide that for you.  




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